Wednesday, July 27, 2011

FUN IN THE SUN {photo contest}

Finally.... the iCandy Fun in the Sun Photo Contest!!  Show us the fun that you've been having over the summer.  Let's see your best picture of the most fun that you've had!  Here's how it works:  Email a photo of either you, your kids, your spouse or just any old photo that captures some good 'ol summer fun to by August 5th, all the pictures that are entered into the contest will be posted on Facebook on August 6th for the voting to begin and the winner with most votes will be announced on August 13th.

How do you get your votes?  Well that's up to you!!  You need to make posts on your Facebook page to your friends to go vote for you.  The more posts the more votes you're going to get!!

What's a vote?  A vote is either a "LIKE" on the picture that you've entered, or a comment on the picture that you've entered - if someone "likes" and comments, only one will be counted as a vote.

What do you win?  A FREE PHOTO SESSION, silly!! The session is good for up to 4 people (each additional person over 4 is $15) along with 20-25 digitally edited images on disk, copy-right free! (a $200 value!)  Plus you'll become a part of the iCandy family being able to participate in our referral program which will give you discounts for future photo sessions!

Now c'mon... what do you have to lose??  NOTHING!  And what do you have to gain?  LOTS!  Starting with some good 'ol innocent fun and a chance to show-off your summer and also win a photo session which will give you more memories to last a lifetime!!

ready, set.......      GO!!

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