Friday, March 8, 2013

called to serve...

In the past 6 months or so, I've had the opportunity of meeting many missionaries, some serving in my area, some returning, some awaiting their mission call and many that were preparing to enter into yet another journey of their life.  I stand all amazed as I've watched their transformation as well as their desire to serve a mission and serve the Lord.  I'll admit, years ago (I guess when I was young and close-minded), I was always questionable when it came to young men going on missions - graduating high school, barely starting college, and then just dropping life to go on a mission for 2 years.  Last year I had missionaries in my home twice a week as my 13 year old daughter started to learn more so that she could be baptized.  Following that, I was there as a son of some close family friends opened his mission call, after that, I was there as a son of more family friends returned home from his mission, and then just a little over a week ago, I was also there as yet another son of more friends had his farewell.  I would be lying if I said that my heart wasn't full as I experienced these different events.  The most recent farewell left me smiling inside, listening to this young man as he revealed some very personal & spiritual experiences he'd had.  Needless to say, I'm no longer close-minded.  I now know the courage that it takes to leave your family for 2 years, and I've witnessed the anticipation and the tears of happiness, both from the missionaries and their families.  I admire these young men and the sacrifices that they make,not only that, but also the strong testimonies that they hold.  This young man that I spent just a short time with last night also holds those same attributes.  I last saw him in the fall time when taking pictures of his family, and I cannot believe how much he's changed, but of course all for the better (not saying that he was never good).  It was obvious how much thought & mental preparation he'd been putting into serving his mission.  I wish you the very best of luck, Dallin.  The people of Chile are going to be so very blessed to have you there.

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